In the magical fantasy world known as Qerth, there are many Jobs, ranging from the flashy Cheesemaker, to the versatile Murderer, to the useless Knome. But one Job stands apart, central to the very fabric of the world yet often overlooked. We speak, of course, of the Soldier. The Soldier may seem boring at first glance, but take another look. Sometimes it’s refreshing to embrace the Soldier’s simple clarity of purpose: he just wants to kill some things and take their stuff. Deep down, isn’t that really what we all want?
The Comprehensive Soldier is a supplement for the Fantasy Adventure Role-Gaming classic Qerth: Apprentice Level Rules that includes all the extra material you could possibly need to play a Soldier, collected from across all rules editions, magazine articles, novelty candy packages, and other sources. Included are rules for character advancement, all the way up to God level; Competencies and Skins, for better customizing your Soldier character; new equipment, including weapons, armor, and contraceptives; a big list of monsters to kill; Soldier names; and more!
The Comprehensive Soldier is written by Qerth co-creator Steve Johnson, with artwork by sword & sorcery savant Joshua LH Burnett.